The Title Search Process

When you receive the keys to your new home, you may already have an idea about the work that goes into a successful closing.  However, few new homeowners recognize the efforts involved in searching and underwriting a title insurance policy – one part of your...

Which Square Footage Figure Should I Use?

  Home size is one of the key figures used in comparisons. But you may have different measurements to choose from,  as you’ll learn in this video, including builder, appraiser, tax records and possibly owner records. Which one is right, and which one is...

6 Selling Mistakes

  If you’re selling, don’t do these things – take some notes from the video! 1. Don’t Sell Before The House Is Ready. If it doesn’t present well, it won’t sell well. 2. Don’t Over-Improve People buy houses in neighborhoods. If yours is so “improved” that it...

How Do I Set The Price On My House?

  While this video simplifies things to help you remember: your aim is to get the best price AND terms in your market during the period you’re selling. Market conditions interest rates and competition all matter. The price you want, and the price a buyer will pay...