What Is A Loan Estimate And How Does It Help Me?
http://bucket.wistia.com/medias/yrtko5l99l?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 A loan estimate lists your loan terms projected payments, costs at closing measures for comparison, including Annual Percentage Rate and Total Interest Percentage and...
What Do I Get At Closing?
http://bucket.wistia.com/medias/2gbtx7mh2h?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 For most real estate loans, you will receive a Closing Disclosure 3 business days before loan consummation – which frequently happens at the closing meeting. At the...
What Is PMI?
http://bucket.wistia.com/medias/71543yjf3i?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 This video tells you about it all. PMI stands for Private Mortgage Insurance or Insurer. These are privately-owned companies that provide mortgage insurance. They offer...
What Are 203(B) And 203(K) Loans?
http://bucket.wistia.com/medias/58nn85wvo5?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 The video puts this in more visual terms, but 203(b) is the most commonly used FHA program. It offers a low down payment, flexible qualifying guidelines limited lender's...
How Do I Make A Home Ready To Sell?
http://bucket.wistia.com/medias/39nomrj03z?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 As we show you in this video, start several months before the property is made available. Look through the eyes of a buyer What needs to be cleaned? Repainted? Repaired?...
How Do I Set The Price On My House?
http://bucket.wistia.com/medias/mn9uqlyaro?embedType=async&videoFoam=true&videoWidth=640 While this video simplifies things to help you remember: your aim is to get the best price AND terms in your market during the period you’re selling. Market conditions...